Coda File System

Re: CODA performance with very low bandwidth

From: Stephen J. Turnbull <>
Date: Sat, 29 May 2004 18:01:30 +0900
>>>>> "Juan" == Juan Carlos Schroeder <> writes:

    Juan> The files would be 100-150K in average. I think this should
    Juan> be fine.

No problem, a few seconds download to look at an existing file for the
first time (ie, each time after it has changed on the server, but
that's no different from say HTTP), upload either immediately if your
connected, or prety much as soon as you connect, in the background.

    >> If the user is mostly creating files locally which then get
    >> uploaded to the server, and any updates are made by that user.

    Juan> What did you mean here? That it should work well with users
    Juan> only uploading documents?

If users are modifying the same documents at the same time, you are
likely to get conflicts.  Coda does not lock documents while you are
modifying them.

    Juan> Users would create some documents it should be desirable
    Juan> these documents should be uploaded within one day. Users
    Juan> also would also search and open other documents but not in
    Juan> an intensive way (eg. at least 5 or 6 documents , at most 10
    Juan> or 12 documents while editing).  Would this work fine? What
    Juan> client cache size you think would be suitable?

This sounds good to me as I understand your needs.  Cache size of 20MB
(ie, negligible) would be enouhg to work, cache size more than 200MB
quite likely unnecessary.

    >> On the other hand, if different users are editing the same
    >> files, then you might be better off with a different method
    >> that only sends changes.

    Juan> Which method would work for this? This is not the case, but
    Juan> I've seen out there some things about sinchronizing file
    Juan> versions (consuming much less bandwidth). Is there a
    Juan> solution for this with low bandwidth?.

It's not the bandwidth, it's the conflicts.  If you have multiple
users editing the same file, you either want something that will allow
you to lock the file, or something that helps you resolve conflicts.

But htat sounds different from your case.

>From what you say, I think you will be quite happy with Coda.  You
should run into very few conflicts, your users will notice less lags
than with a web server most of the time, and uploads (which are
called "reintegration" in Coda) will be almost always in the
background and automatic.

Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences
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Received on 2004-05-29 05:05:13