Coda File System

Will be right back.

From: Jan Harkes <>
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 17:33:06 -0500
Hi all,

Just to give everyone a heads up so that people won't think I dropped
dead while their email is left unanswered. Tomorrow I'm heading off for a
short vacation in Holland (and a weekend in France).

Anyone that is still waiting for a response to a question, I'm sorry, my
spamfilter might have gotten it's hands on it, as my inbox looks empty
right now and it had been sending things to /dev/null instead of my
spamfolder due to some configuration problems. Resend to codalist, or
try again to my regular email address, but don't expect a response from
me until the first week of december.

Received on 2002-11-19 17:34:02