Coda File System

Re: Master - Server relation conflict

From: Jan Harkes <>
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 04:24:41 -0500
On Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 11:36:13AM +0100, Thomas Mangin wrote:
> and now when Venus start I get :
> TIME : Venus Starting
> coda_read_super: rootid is (0x7F00..00,0x1,0x1)
> failure of coda_cnode_make for root : error -110

110 is ETIMEDOUT, which indicates that the client is unable to talk the
the server. Reading your previous email you were talking about blocking
access to the servers from the `external interfaces'.

It looks like you were successful.

Venus does a DNS lookup on master.domain and server.domain, and uses...
the first IP address it gets to connect to the servers. My guess is that
the addresses venus gets are the ones of your external interfaces which
are filtering out all Coda related traffic.

Received on 2000-03-29 04:25:42