Coda File System

Re: Application-Specific Resolution

From: Greg Troxel <>
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 15:48:00 -0400
Adam Wolbach <> writes:

>> Do you really mean that this is Linux specific and won't run on BSD?
>> I think it would be useful to post the design and interface
>> specification to ASRs.  Does this work change the venus/kernel
>> interface, or just interact with venus, or just use repair ioctls and
>> the filesystem?

> I haven't tried it yet on BSD -- there might be a few library calls I
> make that are Linux specific, but certainly the work does not change
> the venus/kernel interface. It uses accesses and writes to the file
> system along with existing repair tools (filerepair, e.g.), although
> it comes with a few more cfs calls that make playing with a volume's
> CML possible from the command line.  I will test ASR's shortly on a
> BSD installation; the goal is to have the ASR framework be
> platform-independent.

That sounds good.  I presume by 'cfs calls' you mean pioctls that are
handled by venus?   More repair/CML richness from the command line
sounds like a good idea independent of ASR.

> A short design overview: what really happens upon conflict discovery,
> is venus (upon noticing a conflict) forks the ASRLauncher, an ASR
> handler program that performs the search for an ASR rules file, parses
> the file, resolves dependencies and executes the appropriate ASR, if
> it checks out. The ASR then just purely interacts with Venus and the
> file system.
> I will post documentation, including design/implementation
> considerations, to the Coda Wiki in the near future, but feel free to
> ask any more questions you may have, I will be checking the codalist.

Thanks - that sounds sensible (to me who hasn't thought about this
much) and doesn't sound like it has any lurking OS dependencies.

        Greg Troxel <>
Received on 2006-04-19 15:49:49