Coda File System

Error when starting Venus

From: Chong Sein Yeo <>
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2005 15:49:51 -0500
Hello Guys,
I am experiencing some difficulty and was wondering if anyone have any clue
on what may be happening.

I ran
"venus-setup <>, <> 200000"

Next I ran
"Venus &"
"cat /usr/coda/etc/console"

and got the following:

14:00:30 Last shutdown was clean
14:00:30 Starting RealmDB scan
14:00:30 Found 1 realms
14:00:30 starting VDB scan
14:00:30 2 volume replicas
14:00:30 0 replicated volumes
14:00:30 0 CML entries allocated
14:00:30 0 CML entries on free-list
14:00:30 starting FSDB scan (8333, 200000) (25, 75, 4)
14:00:30 1 cache files in table (0 blocks)
14:00:30 8332 cache files on free-list
14:00:30 starting HDB scan
14:00:30 0 hdb entries in table
14:00:30 0 hdb entries on free-list
14:00:30 Mounting root volume...
14:00:30 Venus starting...
14:00:30 /coda now mounted.
***LWP (0x8116e38): Select returns error: 4

I was just wondering if anyone have any clue on why I am getting that LWP
Also, i am running Coda version 6.0.14 LWP version 2.1

Thanks for your attention
Warmest Regards,

Yeo Chong Sein
Received on 2005-11-09 15:56:56