Coda File System

Re: Coda project needs - documentation

From: Patrick Walsh <>
Date: Fri, 08 Apr 2005 13:00:17 -0600
On Fri, 2005-04-08 at 20:16 +0200, Ivan Popov wrote:
> Then we can expect that the community (or even the developers) will make an
> effort and extract the relevant bits out of the mailing list archives
> (otherwise hard to use for finding the relevant descriptions and micro-howtos)
> into a Wiki or alike.
> Coda is quite exhaustively documented (!), though alas the bits
> are all disparate.

	I've been taking notes on answers to my questions and would gladly post
them to a wiki if someone at cmu wants to create one.  And if someone
does make a wiki, it would be great if they ported the docs to it so
that people like me can add little notes to the docs where things are
out of date.  I'd happily take my handwritten notes on my printed copy
of the documentation and contribute back to the project that way.  

	Also, I promised a "optimizing coda 6" document and I have a draft of
it.  I'm attaching it in rtf format in case it is useful to someone.

Patrick Walsh
eSoft Incorporated
303.444.1600 x3350

Received on 2005-04-08 15:01:42