Coda File System

Re: coda server crash

From: Jan Harkes <>
Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 09:59:19 -0400
On Mon, May 19, 2003 at 11:16:57AM +0000, lou wrote:
> Sorry for that post, looks like i posted it from the wrong email addr.

That's ok, emails from unsubscribed addresses end up in my inbox. And if
it doesn't look like spam I bounce them off to codalist.

> About CVS, when are these changes going to be packed into a release?
> Any timeline, or any major changes? If there's a paper where I can read it,
> that would be great!

I wanted to get a new release out about 2 months ago. However, the new
Coda client code only works reliably on Linux at the moment. We're
working on FreeBSD and WinXP back to a usable state. Hopefully once
those are working NetBSD will magically 'work' as well.

Perhaps we'll need some additional kernel changes to get those right and
I don't want to have a Linux-only 6.0 release which needs a new kernel
module, followed by a 6.1 release which needs yet another kernel module.

Received on 2003-05-19 10:05:27